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Field Assesment English Education Department

English Education Department (  Faculty of Teacher Training and Education ) Widya Gama Mahakam University held Field Assesment, Tuesday-Wednesday ( 25-26/7/2023 ). This field assessment is in the context of study program accreditation which aims to confirm data and information that has been submitted by related study programs, in this case the English Language Education study program, as a basis for evaluating study program accreditation criteria. Furthermore, this field assessment is to guarantee an accreditation process that is independent, accurate, objective, transparent, accountable, impartial, credible, thorough, effective and efficient.

This activity was carried out by a team of Assessors from LAMDIK, Assessors 1 Dr. Hendra Tedjasuksmana, M. Hum from Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya University. Assessors 2 Dr. Arina Shofiya, M.Pd from Tulungagung Islamic State Univeristy. The assessors arrived and were well received by the Rectors and FKIP Staff at the Serbaguna Hall, Widya Gama Mahakam University on Tuesday, 25 July 2023 at 08.00 WIB. The opening ceremony was closed with a joint prayer for the smooth running of the field assessment at that time. After that, the Assessor Team conducted a review of the facilities and infrastructure owned by Faculty, including lecturer rooms, classrooms, microteaching laboratories, language laboratories, computer laboratories

The activity was then followed by a presentation by UPPS about the advantages of FKIP. After that it was followed by confirming the LED data with the UPPS documents, the Quality Assurance Team, and the Program Study. The last agenda of the LAMDIK Field Assessment on the first day was interviews with alumni and stakeholders.

On the second day, Wednesday, July 26 2023, a series of Field Assessment events began with microteaching observations, At the closing ceremony the results and recommendations from the Assessors team were presented. The LAMDIK Field Assessment for the English Language Education Study Program was closed with the signing of the minutes.

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